Wednesday 11 August 2021

Who are the Samaritans?


Who are the Samaritans?

1. The 12 tribes of Israel was divided into northern Israel (10 tribes forming northern state) and southern Judah (2 tribes forming southern state).

2. The northern Israel was weak and conquered by Assyria, a huge empire to the east of northern Israel.

3. Many of the Jews from northern Israel were carried away, or dispersed into other nations round about. However, a small minority 
remained back in northern Israel, and intermarried with the Assyrians, who migrated there to exert influence.

4. This group of Jews, and "inter-married" Jews, and the migrants are called Samaritans, and they have made Samaria their capital, and created their own temple to worship Yahweh at Mount Gerizim in Samaria (Judah made Jerusalem their worship centre).

5. The Jews who were in the southern Judah do not regard the Samaritans as pure, treat them as non-Jews. They were equated as Gentiles.

6. The Samaritans have a slightly different Torah (Jewish Law) as compared to the Jews (from the south). Certain verses were altered to include Mount Gerizim as the centre of worship.

7. The Samaritans do not accept the other Jewish books of the Prophets, Poetry, Instructions (these books are called Tanakh).

8. When modern Israel became a nation in 1948, the Samaritans were excluded from being called Jews, and cannot be given citizenship in modern Israel. However, I believe this has changed lately with the amendment to the regulations.






e: Further reading:

1. Samaritans:

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