Saturday 26 January 2019

Introduction to Hebrews

From Harper Study Bible:

Introduction to the book of Hebrews:

"Since persecution was seen as imminent but had not yet come, and since the author wrote as though the temple was still standing, it appears that the letter can probably be dated before the sack of Jerusalem (A.D. 70). That would make it the mid to late 60s."

The persecution was coming, and it happened in A.D. 70, when Jerusalem was destroyed, the temple was destroyed, and all physical links of the Jews to the old Jewish system, the old covenant was physically destroyed.

It surprises me that churches today are calling for a going back to the old Jewish system, the old covenant, the old Feasts, the old practices of the temple !! This is against what the author of Hebrews is telling the Jews.

Jesus Christ came and ushered in the new covenant. The physical destruction of the temple, completely destroyed every trace of the practices of the old covenant.

Do not go back to the old system of the old covenant. Jesus Christ has ushered in a better covenant, the new covenant. It is an insult to God's plan and to the risen Savior, when we go back. It is saying the sacrifice of Jesus is not enough. We need to do more. We need to add more. We need to show more (more self ego).

Repent. Change your mindset. Renew your thinking, and look to Jesus who is the author of our faith in Him.

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