Saturday 26 January 2019

Is standing in the gap relevant today?


"I sought for a man among them that should make up the hedge and STAND IN THE GAP for the land, that I should not destroy it..." (Ezek. 22:30)

Standing in the gap is about averting JUDGMENT under the Old Covenant - to be done so that God would not "destroy" the land. As Christ has borne judgment on the cross, such a stance is no longer necessary in the New Covenant.

Notwithstanding, due to misunderstanding, the term is still widely used in the Church. Standing in the gap is construed as PRAYING when it's actually about PAYING for sins via atonement.

Since Jesus has paid it all by His shed blood, the BREACH is already BRIDGED. No gap exists now between God and man thanks to His finished work !!!

"But Pastor Daniel, we've been taught to stand in the gap like Jesus!" Well, Jesus already stood in the gap on the cross. Now that the work is done, He's no more STANDING. He's SEATED at the right hand of the Father !!! (Heb. 10:12)

"Isn't it our turn now to pray for the nation by standing in the gap?"
 We're to pray but not as "standing in the gap" as there's no more "gap" to stand in. Christ has already FILLED the gap !!!

The term is archaic. We can't find it in the New Covenant. So, when we pray, let's not restore the old but release the new. Let's thank Him for His GRACE and declare it over the nations !!!

Adapted from Daniel Leong

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