Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Days of Wrath ? (Luke 21:22)

Days of Wrath ? (Luke 21:22)

Q: A preacher is saying that this pandemic is the wrath of God, and if we will repent and turn from our sins, God will remove His wrath.

Steven: Yes, I also read about that in the news. I call this preacher (a very important person in his organization) a fool, and he is using bible verses to deceive and to misled. Maybe he will call his people to give more so that their sins are forgiven (there was another preacher who did that). This was similar to what happened during the dark ages off the Catholic church.

Steven: Firstly, the wrath of God was already poured out about 2000 years ago during the period of Jesus Christ. The peak of the wrath of God was at the desolation/destruction of Jerusalem just as what was predicted by Jesus in Luke 21:22.

Luk 21:22 For THESE are the days of vengeance, that ALL things which are written may be fulfilled.

To understand this verse in its CONTEXT, you need to read verse 20 and 21.

Luk 21:20 And when you see JERUSALEM compassed with armies, then know that its destruction has come.

Luk 21:21 And let those in Judea flee to the mountains. And those in its midst, let them go out. And those in the open spaces, let them not go into her.

Jerusalem was referred here. Not Malaysia, not USA (like what Iran said), and definitely not the whole world.

Days of Vengeance = Destruction of Jerusalem.

Everyone was to flee Jerusalem (especially those believers), and nobody was to go into the city.

According to historians and church history, this was exactly what took place. Jerusalem was attacked in a terrible massacre by the Roman army, the blood filled the whole city, the temple was destroyed just as Jesus said it would, and all this happened at the year AD70. You can view an animation of the Jerusalem destruction in AD70 in Youtube (just search for it).

Jesus said that ALL things written about the days of vengeance is now fulfilled. That is about 2000 years ago. DEFINITELY NOT the year 2020 or anytime in future.

The culmination of the Days of Vengeance was the desolation/destruction of Jerusalem : NOT at the Cross, NOT at the sacrifice of Jesus for our sins, NOT at the death of Jesus = BUT at the destruction of Jerusalem. Verses 20, 21, 22 is plain, clear and simple for everyone to read.

Btw, Matt 24 also says the same as Luke 21.

So, how can the preacher said that Covid-19 was the Day of God's Wrath.

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