Tuesday, 14 April 2020

The way to stop 'coronavirus'

The way to stop 'coronavirus' is revealed in the Bible!

Pray Psa. 91? Apply His blood? Be pro-Israel? These have been practised. But it's still spreading. Unlike when not one Jew suffered any of the 10 in Egypt, many Christians and Jews also have been afflicted by the present plague. Is there an effective way to stop it?

Covid-19 is transmitted via droplets from nose or mouth. That's how leprosy is spread too. If we look into the Bible and see what Moses did with the leprous, we find the way to curb communicable disease was already revealed long before modern science discovered and applied it.

The leprous had to "wash" himself (Lev. 14:8): that's like sanitizing! He had to have his lip "covered" (Lev. 13:45): that's like wearing a mask! Most importantly, he had to be "quarantined" (Lev. 13:46): that's the ultimate measure in social distancing - lockdown!

It's not saying don't do the spiritual. Praying helps alleviate fear. Claiming no plague can come nigh is assuring (Psa. 91:10). But protection isn't just for a category. Covid-19 must be dealt with for all. As such the Old Covenant idea that pandemic is punishment for the wicked must be shed (Psa. 91:8).

The outbreak will soon pass if we lay aside religious dogma and be practical in action against infection: no handshaking, hugging, or kissing! Be "quarantined" for the time being though we're not a virus host. Consider Him who knew no sin or sickness, was once "locked" outside the camp too (Heb. 13:12).

"Aren't we to trust God for the supernatural?" It doesn't mean we're not trusting God by taking practical measures. We who trust Him for healing, do at the same time seek for medical help in time of need, don't we? If so, the supernatural could well be manifesting through the natural, right?

"Is there now no Moses, standing between the dead and the living, to stay the plague as in Num. 16:48?" Yes, there're many like Moses, and like Jesus, who stood in the gap for all. Kudos to frontline doctors and healthcare workers for toiling tirelessly to save lives, whilst exposed to the risk of infection and death! Bravo to these "evangelists" who "lay hands" on the infected and heal them!

As for us, let's do our part. For once let's observe the "Sabbath". Avoid travelling and crowd mingling. Practise social distancing except in social media where there's no lockdown. But beware of other viruses especially the religious corona. It has killed many. I pray all to have the wisdom and sensibility to keep ourselves protected. Stay safe in Him.

Daniel Leong

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