Thursday, 16 April 2020

Will the kingdom of God be taken away from you..?

Q: I heard a preacher said, "If you do not produce fruits, God will take away the God's kingdom from you and give to those who produces the fruits". Is this true? To me, it's like God is arm-twisting me, trying to force me or blackmail me to produce fruits? What say you.?

Steven: This is not true. Firstly, this passage of the bible is taken from Matthew 21: 43, where it says:

Mt 21:43 "Therefore I say to you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you and given to a nation bringing out its fruits."

Remember: the golden rule: Context is important.

A: You mean the quoted verse to me was taken out of Context.?

Steven: Yes. It was taken out of context.

Firstly, this verse was referring to the Pharisees and chief priests, not to you or me in this 21st Century. The Pharisees heard this words from Jesus, and they too realized that Jesus was speaking about them (Mt 21:45).

Secondly, Mt 21, 22, 23, 24 are all directed to Jerusalem and its temple and the people who are still having a form of Judaism religion. Jesus was against them. He is saying, they will be destroyed. They will be lay desolate. They will be slaughtered soon. Jesus is saying Take heed and listen to what He is saying. Let what He said bear fruit in their lives. So that they will be saved from the massacre (the invasion of Romans on Jerusalem). This was the context of Mt 21:43. Not you and me in this 21st century.

Jesus is saying:
a. There is going to be an end of their Old Mosaic Covenant. The old system is going to be obsolete.
b. There will be a vengeance of God on those who still cling on to the old system and reject the Son (Jesus).
c. God's kingdom will be taken away from them and given to others who will accept the Son.

This is the FRUIT that Jesus wants the Jews to produce and act on it.
Thank God, that according to historians, many believing Jews escaped to the mountains and wilderness and were saved from the Jerusalem and temple massacre.

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